Thursday, August 5, 2010

Long time coming

Well, this post has been a long time coming. Life continues to progress. I'm almost another year older. I'm a wife again to another wonderful and amazing man. I'm also now a mom. It's an incredible journey. Life is strange and beautiful and God loves to surprise us and pour unexpected blessings in the most unlikely of ways. I can't believe how privileged I am. I would venture to say most people are not so loved by three guys in their lives. I still think of, miss, and love Nathan. Always will. But I think Nathan would be glad that I have happiness and love in my life. I think he would be glad I'm someone's mommy. I've seen God continue to work in my life. I'm excited to see how He'll work in this new family, in my new husband, and in our son.
I also have a new job, which I've already talked some about. Yep, I'm a full-time wife and mom now. I didn't return to the corporate world following my maternity leave. This new job is mind-blowing. Some days are psycho-crazy, some days are low-key, some are boring. There are no vacation days, no time off, no sick days (which terrifies me!) The pay and benefits are killer though. I get paid in spit-up and smiles, giggles, hugs and compliments. I love taking care of both of these guys. One currently requires more "care." But I love doing the "50s mom" thing of having dinner on the table when my honey gets home from work. (No, I don't wear pearls when I vacuum. That is, when I find the time to vacuum...) But I LOVE this new job!